Municipality of Prague 8 Bohumir Garlik Czech Republic, Praha 8
- Idea Smart cities
Mypose Ari Rautiainen Finland, Oulu
- Offer & Request Social media marketing tool for smart cities
N2N Consultores en Tecnología Diego Ulloa Damy Mexico, Mexico City
- Offer Digital and financial inclusion of SMEs
- Offer Solutions to expand tax collection routes
- Offer Smart educational communities
- Offer Sustainable models to bring internet access in public spaces
Namoo Inc. jason noh South Korea, Seoul
- Offer & Request Smart LED Wireless Control Node, Local partner/distributor
National Information Technology Development Agency Bernard Ewah Ewah Nigeria, Abuja
- Request Opportunities for collaborative projects and Institutional Capacity
National Institute of Technology, Sendai College Yasuo Utsumi Japan, Natori
- Idea smart community and aged people
National Planning Department Ivan Castano Colombia, Bogota
- Request Support for the design of a Smart City Public Policy
Neàpolis Ester Toledo Catalonia, Vilanova i la Geltrú
- Offer & Request Living lab
Neiko srl Luigi Tonon Italy, San Vendemiano
- Offer Immersive VR Tours
Neoxen Systems Esa Tervo Finland, Turku
- Offer Smart City Cloud Technology
Neural Labs SL Jordi Pascual Catalonia, Cerdanyola del Vallés ( Barcelona)
- Offer License plate recognition in an urban environmen ( City LPR Server)
- Offer License Plate Recognition OCR for Traffic (IT), Parking, Access Control, Speed Radars.
Neuromeka Jonghoon Park South Korea, Seoul
- Offer & Request Built-in IoT solutions for smart home interior design
- Offer Open-source HW based IoT Gateway and wireless sensor network solution
- Request Collaboration and partnership for developing services in smart cities
- Offer Smart city services (noise, environmental and water control)
Nicander Trevor Platt United Kingdom, Billingham
- Offer Intelligent Transport Systems
Novelti Marco Laucelli Spain, Madrid
- Offer IoT analytics made simple
NYC Mayor's Office of Tech and Innovation Lindsey-Paige McCloy USA, Brooklyn
- Offer & Request Pilot technologies in NYC
Observatorio de Los Combustibles SpA Manuel Moreno Chile, San Fernando
- Offer Smart Energy Solutions for cities
- Offer Fuel Monitoring
Omnicane Ltd Joel Bruneau Mauritius, Port-Louis
- Request City/Community Management
- Offer MAURITIUS Smart City. Live, Work, Play environment. Tax effective, gateway to Africa
ONTRACE Intelligent Video Analytics SL Ricardo Larrosa Catalonia, Bellaterra
OpenCitiz James Karuttykaran France, Vincennes
- Request Information on technology providers
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Bilateral Talks
- Participants427
- Meetings Requested3066
- Meetings Accepted1183
Argentina 5
Australia 2
Austria 2
Belgium 5
Bulgaria 1
Canada 8
Catalonia 157
Chile 7
Colombia 1
Czech Republic 2
Estonia 8
Finland 11
France 21
Georgia 1
Germany 15
Greece 2
Guinea-Bissau 1
Hungary 1
India 5
Indonesia 1
Israel 19
Italy 18
Japan 4
Lithuania 1
Malaysia 2
Mauritius 2
Mexico 2
Netherlands 6
Nigeria 2
Norway 1
Peru 2
Poland 1
Portugal 3
Puerto Rico 1
Serbia 1
Singapore 1
Slovakia 1
South Korea 12
Spain 45
Switzerland 2
Turkey 1
Ukraine 2
United Kingdom 23
USA 19
- Total of Participants427
Profile views
- Before Event30931
- After Event1156487