Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a brokerage event? 

It is a matchmaking event where people meet and greet at a high speed. Bilateral meetings take about 25 minutes, which is usually enough to forge business/research/technological connections. Then, the bell rings and the next meeting starts.

2. How does the matchmaking work?

Each participant registers with a cooperation profile which will be displayed at the event website. Each participant can online select meetings with other participants they would like to personally talk to. A few days prior to the event, each participant will receive a meeting schedule, showing WHO to meet with, WHEN and WHERE.
What are the benefits of participating in the matchmaking event?
All participants can present their expertise/projects/technologies online already BEFORE the event. The cooperation profiles will be extensively promoted. Participants can get in contact with each other already before the event and know exactly who they will meet at the event. A matchmaking event therefore presents a very efficient and focused way of finding new collaboration partners.

3. How can I register to the event?

Please click on Register and fill in the registration. Then fill in the Cooperation Profile and click on Save.

4. Who is the Participant?

The Participant is the person who will participate in the matchmaking event and who is responsible for the inserted profiles. Participants should indicate their contact details (especially e-mail and mobile phone number) to be directly informed about registration, agendas, and changes in the event set-up.

5. What type of information do I need to fill in the registration form?

Give some information about the organisation you are working for, its focus and areas of activity.
VERY IMPORTANT: Properly fill in the cooperation profile and give details on e.g. technology/product/project, innovative aspects, current stage of development and the target partner sought.
The cooperation profile is your virtual business card - the higher the quality, the more participants will select you for bilateral meetings!!!

6. What is the meaning of "Support Office" ?

"Support Office" is related to the place where you are geographically based. If your region does not have a local support office, please select "Other".

7. How do I get my password?

You can choose the password yourself. Just fill it in the registration form.

8. How to change the password?

Please log in with your Autologin link (you will find it in the mail you received after your registration) and go to Change Password. Just type in your new password/repeat.

9. Is it possible to insert more than one profile?

Yes, it is. Every participant has the possibility to insert several profiles. Please note that profiles are associated with participants. The same organisation can be registered several times with different participants (contact persons).

10. Is it possible to modify a profile?

Yes, it is. Log in with your Autologin link (you will find it in the mail you received after your registration).
Click on Registration Data, → change your registration data → Save. Click on Cooperation Profiles → change your cooperation profile → Update!

When will my profile be available online? Every profile will be quality checked by the event organizer. If it meets the quality criteria it will be put online, if not, you will be contacted by the event organizer to adapt your profile.

11. How can I select meetings?

As soon as the Booking is open, you will be informed by mail about how to select meetings. Please log in with your Autologin link (you will find it in the mail you received after your registration).
Click on Select Meetings → Click on Book. The meeting with this participant is then booked.

12. Can I refuse a meeting?

Yes, you can.
Log in with your Autologin link → Select Meetings → Reject/Cancel. The respective meeting will be cancelled.

13. When will I get my personal meeting schedule?

You will receive your preliminary meeting schedule about a week before the event. The final meeting schedule will be handed out directly at the event at the registration desk. This final meeting schedule will take into consideration all last-minute changes.

14. What if, due to unforeseen reasons, I cannot participate in the matchmaking event?

Please inform the event organiser immediately. If you have booked meetings/you have been booked for meetings, please get directly in contact with your meeting partners and tell them that you cannot keep the appointment.


Profile views

  • Before Event30931
  • After Event1147080


  • accio.png


  • Trade_Investment_Gene_vertical.png

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants427
  • Meetings Requested3066
  • Meetings Accepted1183

Supported by

  • Organiser2_EEN_logo.JPG
  • LOGO_CE_Vertical_EN.png


Barcelona,  Gran Via Exhibition Centre Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat,