Observatorio de Los Combustibles SpA Manuel Moreno Chile, San Fernando
- Offer Smart Energy Solutions for cities
- Offer Fuel Monitoring
Los Capachos Consulting Spa Chile Francisco Leyton Chile, Santiago
- Request funding for export our services to south america
- Offer System, Diagnostic for Civil Security
Xelion Sergio Mancinelli Chile, Concepción
- Offer IoT Solutions for non techs
- Offer IoT Solutions for Smart Cities
- Request Manufacturing & Joint Venture
INNOVOO Sebastian Seguel Chile, Santiago
- Offer Development of technological solutions
- Request Electronics Manufacturer
- Request Commercial cooperation or partnership
- Request Technological cooperation
- Request business partner for Finderbee
A-Dedo Bernardo Bacigalupo Chile, Santiago
- Offer Advanced real-time carpooling solutions for Organizations, Events & Communities.
- Request Sales Representative for Corporate Business
- Request Investment to expand our business internationally
Livs in Juan Pablo Santa Maria Chile, Santiago
- Request Smart Irrigation- Strategic Investor
- Offer Smart Irrigation -Strategic Partners
Dhemax SpA Victor Contreras Chile, Viña del Mar
- Offer Partnership to sell our products in other countries and enter in the Chilean market
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Bilateral Talks
- Participants427
- Meetings Requested3066
- Meetings Accepted1183
Argentina 5
Australia 2
Austria 2
Belgium 5
Bulgaria 1
Canada 8
Catalonia 157
Chile 7
Colombia 1
Czech Republic 2
Estonia 8
Finland 11
France 21
Georgia 1
Germany 15
Greece 2
Guinea-Bissau 1
Hungary 1
India 5
Indonesia 1
Israel 19
Italy 18
Japan 4
Lithuania 1
Malaysia 2
Mauritius 2
Mexico 2
Netherlands 6
Nigeria 2
Norway 1
Peru 2
Poland 1
Portugal 3
Puerto Rico 1
Serbia 1
Singapore 1
Slovakia 1
South Korea 12
Spain 45
Switzerland 2
Turkey 1
Ukraine 2
United Kingdom 23
USA 19
- Total of Participants427
Profile views
- Before Event30931
- After Event1147087