iobeam Ajay Kulkarni USA, New York
- Offer Data Analysis for Smart Cities
Creative Mobile Technologies John Crant USA, Long Island City
- Offer Taxi Technology
Bandwagon Taxishare Sarah Bacon USA, Brooklyn
- Offer Smart Taxi Queue & Supply Mgmt Through Ride Consolidation Technology
Qualcomm Manu Namboodiri USA, Santa Clara
- Request Joint Smart City offerings
eluminocity GmbH Omar ElRafei USA, New York
- Offer & Request Strategic Alliances, City Engagements, and Vendor/Partner Opportunities
Citymart Julia Haselmayer USA, NEW YORK CITY
- Offer Problem Solving for Cities
CIVIQ Smartscapes Sonal Patel USA, Milford
- Request Partnership with leading Smart City solution provider
- Offer Turnkey Smart City Solutions
CartoDB Miquel Nieto USA, New York
- Request Industries or government entities looking to massively improve operations
- Offer Real time government location Intelligence platform
- Offer Leading Edge Location Intelligence & Analytical Mapping Platform
Gust / Digital.NYC David Blake USA, New York
- Offer & Request Digital Entrepreneurship Hub for Cities
Placemeter Florent Peyre USA, New York City
- Offer Public spaces utilization measurements
- Offer Real time traffic counts
- Offer Pedestrian counts in cities
General Electric Jason Whittet USA, New York
- Idea Smart Lighting
NYC Mayor's Office of Tech and Innovation Lindsey-Paige McCloy USA, Brooklyn
- Offer & Request Pilot technologies in NYC
Intersection Stacey Levine USA, New York
- Offer LinkNYC
DVTEL Ron Grinfeld USA, RidgeField Park, NJ
- Offer Video surveillance solutions for smart cities
- Offer & Request Technology partnerships
- Offer & Request Partnerships and strategic alliance
RealTerm Energy U.S. LLP Paul Vesel USA, Florence
- Offer & Request Smart City Solutions to deploy over Street Light Infrastructure
CH2M Kenneth Thompson USA, Englewood
- Offer Smart Cities Collaboration
Chiemo, Inc Tom Schmidt USA, Palo Alto
- Offer & Request Charlie Social messenger based opt-in services
Habidatum International, Inc. Ekaterina Serova USA, New York
- Offer & Request Habidatum platform demo:
U.S. Commercial Service Helen Crowley USA, Madrid
- Offer The third SelectUSA Investment Summit
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Bilateral Talks
- Participants427
- Meetings Requested3066
- Meetings Accepted1183
Argentina 5
Australia 2
Austria 2
Belgium 5
Bulgaria 1
Canada 8
Catalonia 157
Chile 7
Colombia 1
Czech Republic 2
Estonia 8
Finland 11
France 21
Georgia 1
Germany 15
Greece 2
Guinea-Bissau 1
Hungary 1
India 5
Indonesia 1
Israel 19
Italy 18
Japan 4
Lithuania 1
Malaysia 2
Mauritius 2
Mexico 2
Netherlands 6
Nigeria 2
Norway 1
Peru 2
Poland 1
Portugal 3
Puerto Rico 1
Serbia 1
Singapore 1
Slovakia 1
South Korea 12
Spain 45
Switzerland 2
Turkey 1
Ukraine 2
United Kingdom 23
USA 19
- Total of Participants427
Profile views
- Before Event30931
- After Event1156414