Planet Media Studios Lorena Bourg Spain, Madrid
- Offer & Request Cooperation in Horizon 2020
- Offer SpotFinder: An intelligent and scalable system for parking reservation using open data.
- Offer Savergy: The ultimate app for taking advantage of dynamic prices in energy
- Offer BizzFit: Intelligent maps for caracterizing cities using open data.
- Offer Cycle Your City: Fostering multimodal transport and bike infrastructures in a city.
Ingenio Soft Alberto Quintanilla Spain, Madrid
- Request Lupbak - looking for investment
Forums Master Jose Gomar Spain, Gandia
- Offer & Request We offer a ready-to-use platform for Citizen Participation and Citizen Collaboration. API available.
GEMINIS RTI Moisés González Spain, MIERES
- Offer Traffic data management software
- Offer Data management platforms development
Innopro Advanced Jose Castro Spain, Sevilla
- Offer Apps for Internet of Things
- Offer Mobile Application Development
- Offer E-Commerce
- Offer Custom Software Development
- Offer Website Development
- Offer CRM and ERP
Innopro Advanced S.L Clara González Spain, Sevilla
- Offer Apps for Internet of Things
- Offer Mobile Application Development
- Offer E-Commerce
- Offer Custom Software Development
- Offer Website Development
- Offer CRM and ERP
Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Carretera José Luis Peña Ruiz Spain, Madrid
- Offer & Request Networking services for R&D activities about roads
URBASER (ACS Group) Jaime Martín Bernad Spain, madrid
- Offer Efficient environmental solutions
MÉTRICA6 Eduardo Dueñas Spain, Málaga
- Request Financial and industrial partners
- Offer European and Smart city projects
- Offer Product developer. Engineering and R&D
- Request Looking for partners in the installation/construction for sustainable product
Gedeth Network Juan Millán Spain, Madrid
- Offer Consultancy for technology firms
Demeter Partners Pablo Garcia Merino Spain, Madrid
- Request Cleantech start-ups
IMDEA Energy Félix Marín Spain, Móstoles
- Offer Real-Time Emulation of Electrical Power Networks
- Offer Hydrogen and graphene or carbon nanotubes production
- Offer Wastewater bioremediation coupled with energy production via photosynthetic microorganisms
- Offer Conferring robustness to fermentative microorganisms for the biotransformation of cellulosic sugars
- Offer Electrochemical Devices Test Plant EDTL
- Offer Technical and sustainability assessments of energy systems
- Offer Testing materials, solar concentrators, receivers, PV modules and daylighting devices
- Offer Advanced services for power networks operation
- Offer Energy management for smart buildings
PREMO SL pascual collado valdes Spain, Malaga
- Offer PLC Components and Bloking filters for smart meter
SIGFOX Cesar Serrano Spain, Madrid
- Offer SIGFOX
EPTISA Servicios de Ingeniería S.L. Luis Frauca Spain, Madrid
- Idea Sustainable Districts
SINAPSE ENERGIA Alberto Garcia Moral Spain, BINACED
- Offer Remote Management Lighting Solution
EnergyLab César Barreira Spain, Vigo
- Offer & Request Partnership in collaborative projects
Artificial Intelligence Talentum, S.L. Antonio Vicente Contreras Spain, Espinardo
- Offer Intelligent media library
- Offer Technological platform for the prediction of the price, demand and supply of electricity consumption
- Offer Technological platform for the analysis and prediction of pollution levels in town
- Offer Technological platform for decision making in real time
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. International Excellence Campus "Smart Energy" María del Mar Gómez Zamora Spain, Móstoles. Madrid.
- Offer IoT Security support for industrial remote facilities
- Offer Smart Fussion Wireless sensing For Energy Efficiency in Smart (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- Offer Algorithms, methods, technologies and systems for big data analysis and engineering.
- Offer Advanced Decision Support Systems
- Offer Data governance and quality: assessing integrity and quality over the complete data lifecycle
- Offer Video surveillance system and intelligence monitoritation.
- Offer Ultrasonic localization and positioning system for extensive indoor spaces.
- Offer Definition and design of efficient complex embedded systems.
- Offer Smart sensors for energy efficient cities.
- Offer ILCS (Intelligent Lighting Control System)
CONCEPTUAL KLT S.L. Pablo Maria de Castro García Spain, Santander
- Offer & Request Know How and technology/Support and Investments
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Bilateral Talks
- Participants427
- Meetings Requested3066
- Meetings Accepted1183
Argentina 5
Australia 2
Austria 2
Belgium 5
Bulgaria 1
Canada 8
Catalonia 157
Chile 7
Colombia 1
Czech Republic 2
Estonia 8
Finland 11
France 21
Georgia 1
Germany 15
Greece 2
Guinea-Bissau 1
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India 5
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Israel 19
Italy 18
Japan 4
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Poland 1
Portugal 3
Puerto Rico 1
Serbia 1
Singapore 1
Slovakia 1
South Korea 12
Spain 45
Switzerland 2
Turkey 1
Ukraine 2
United Kingdom 23
USA 19
- Total of Participants427
Profile views
- Before Event30931
- After Event1156368