Antonio Vicente Contreras
Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
- Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
- Thursday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)

Our methods and techniques are based on artificial intelligence and are applicable to:
- Services: Analyzing different events and using them for simulate and forecast possible future situations, being able to anticipate them and accelerating the decision making process.
- Electricity consumption: Analyzing different power resources and using them to simulate and predict future electricity prices, demand and supply, allowing the anticipation to them and facilitating strategic planning of financial resources and the distribution of consumption.
- Pollution level: Analyzing data from various sources to determine the pollution levels of the city areas as well as its origin and using them to simulate and predict future parameters. It allows the design of a plan of action to reduce pollution and make the city a healthier environment.
We offer tailored services and products according to our customers' needs and to service providers.
- city platform
- big data
- visualization
- geo information
- data analysis
- high technology
- transparent organizations
- efficiency
- management
- electricity

Intelligent media library
It is the most agile and efficient way to generate audiovisual information in Smart Cities. This solution increases the access of citizens and other stakeholders to the information contained in audiovisual production that affects their environment (city, district, association, etc.).
- Citizens can access directly the topics. E.g. The exact point of the audio and video recording where they spoke about a topic of interest at a plenary session of the city council.
- It is possible to improve the mechanisms and tools for transparency of public bodies. E.g. Videos categorized by the most sought or referred words in the City Twitter.
- Comprehensive website solution (user management, database engine, web server, etc.). Based on web 2.0 technology leader.
- Website customized and integrated with the capture and cataloging areas (tags, categories, user visibility, etc.).
- Unlimited growth potential. Support infrastructure in the cloud.
- Broadcasting functions : live and on demand.
- Integration options with public and private social networks.
- Automatic searching, listing and cataloguing options for Audio and Video.
The appearance is customized and adapted to the costumer, automated and structured according to needs. It also includes a powerful search engine and shows additional information of audio and video. The solution is in the customer's website and is integrated with social networks for easily sharing.
We are interested in city councils who want to promote the opennes in their plenary sessions.
We are looking for service providers interested in license agreement to offer our product to their customers.
- Sales / Distribution
- License agreement
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution

Technological platform for the prediction of the price, demand and supply of electricity consumption
This platform analyzes different power resources and uses them to simulate and predict future electricity prices, demand and supply, allowing the anticipation to them and facilitating strategic planning of financial resources and the distribution of consumption.
- Data integration and correlation of electricity consumption of the city with the information of price, demand and supply. These data come from databases of local, national, public and private data.
- It allows analysis and predictions from stored data.
- It allows power management to achieve network efficiency, conforming to the power supply for optimization, based on the predictions obtained.
- It allows to find behavior patterns of consumption and use them to implement value-added services to citizens through negotiations with operators and distributors in the sector.
- It allows simulations of possible situations that may occur in the city to design intervention plans.
- It guarantees the quality of the stored data and secure access to them.
- It promotes price transparency in electricity consumption.
We are looking for service providers interested in commercial agreement or technical cooperation.
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution

Technological platform for the analysis and prediction of pollution levels in town
This platform analyzes data from various sources to determine the pollution levels of the city areas as well as its origin and use them to simulate and predict future parameters. This allows the design of a plan of action to reduce pollution and make the city a healthier environment in line with the objective of becoming an efficient and sustainable city.
- Data integration and correlation of the level of contamination of the city with information from sensors, bases of local, regional, public and private data.
- It allows analysis and predictions of stored data.
- It allows the design of strategic actions to reduce pollution levels, based on the predictions obtained.
- Simulations of possible situations that may occur in the city to design intervention plans.
- It guarantees the quality of the stored data and secure access to them.
- Promotes the search for efficiency to reduce pollution levels in the city.
We are looking for service providers interested in commercial agreement or technical cooperation.
- Sales / Distribution
- License agreement
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
- Technical co-operation

Technological platform for decision making in real time
Analyze different events and use them for simulate and forecast possible future situations, being able to anticipate them and accelerating the decision making process.
-Integration and correlation between input data from cities. These inputs come from sensors, municipal databases and non-municipal ( climate), social network data,…to turn them into relevant and useful information.
-It allows the management of knowledge of different services that the city offers, both horizontally (between services), and vertically (global monitoring center).
-Analysis and predictions of the stored data.
-Simulations of possible situations that may occur in the city to design intervention plans.
-Find behavioral patterns of events.
-Enables the integration of services and production platforms through technological architecture.
-It provides a basis or a model for future platforms of the city.
-It guarantees the quality of the stored data and secure access to them.
We are looking for service providers interested in commercial agreement or technical cooperation.
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution