Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Wednesday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
- Wednesday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
- Wednesday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
- Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
- Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
- Thursday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
Ateknea is a private technological center accounting for more than 100 high qualified employees including engineers, PhDs and Business Experts with strong background on ITS, demand responsive transport and the smart cities.
Ateknea is a multidisciplinary centre divided in 4 different departments: electronic engineering, software engineering, system engineering and mechanical engineering. We are active on the Smart City area, being the main fields of expertise on the field:
applications: Wireless Sensor Networks (HW and firmware design), ZigBee/IEEE802.15.4,
Wireless M-Bus, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy and Integrated development.
Communication Technologies: Femtocells, GSM/GPRS/3G/LTE, GNSS/DGPS/RTK,
WiFi/WiMAX, WSN and Software Defined Radio (SDR).
Electronic Engineering: Embedded systems, Wireless communications, Power
electronics, Ultrasonic sensors and Custom electronic systems.
Computer Vision: Controlling processes,Detecting events, Organization
Modeling objects or environments and Interaction.
Artificial Intelligence: Expert Systems & Recommenders, Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN), Optimization Problems, Intelligent Agents, Semantic Analysis
and Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Business Intelligence.
APPs Services: Device Integration & Bluetooth 4.0, Geolocation
Apps,Professional apps,Direct consumer interaction and Customizable UI.
Web Applications: Social networks, E-learning platforms and Responsive Design.
Our business advisers and project managers can provide you with growth strategies to take your innovation plan to market. We can help secure non-refundable EU grants and investments to give you the financial backing for your business endeavors while providing high-tech services.
- Citizen services
- entrepreneurship
- apps for society
- Services integration
- city platform
- sensors
- Internet of things cloud
- big data
- apps
- data analysis
- high technology
- security
- Intelligent transport systems
- mobility on demand
- sharing services & infrastructures
- urban cycling