Caroline White

Enterprise Manager
Manchester Metropolitan University

Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
  • Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
DescriptionManchester School of Architecture (MSA) is an innovative collaboration between Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and The University of Manchester (UoM), uniting two schools of architecture with over 100 years of educational experience to create one of the largest architecture schools in the UK.
Organization Type University
Areas of Activities


  1. Citizen services
  2. liveable city
  3. education
  4. engagement
  5. regeneration
  6. collaboration
  7. apps for society
  8. aging city


  1. Intelligent transport systems
  2. urban cycling
  3. public transportation
  4. service integration


  1. Urban growth
  2. architecture
  3. urban redevelopment
  4. city strategy
  5. regeneration

Digital Tools for Citizen Engagement in Planning of SMART Cities

We have worked with government, industry to create computational tools that allow citizens to comprehend the decisions and future of their cities. We extrapolate future scenarios based on the synthesis of urban data and socio-economic and environmental realities.

Cooperation Offered
  1. Other