
Avihai Degani


Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Wednesday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
  • Wednesday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
  • Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
  • Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
DescriptionIPgallery offers Service Delivery Platform and apps for Smart Cities to ensure that the cities of the future are places that are safe, efficient and healthy to live and work in.IPgallery Service Delivery Platform and apps are modules in the company’s vast offering to the current and future challenges in the changing digital world globally. IPgallery is committed to provide cutting-edge solutions helping to overcome the challenges and support the growth of other key elements like Social Media, Internet of Things (IOT) and Business Systems. Since its establishment in 2000, IPgallery has been innovative in the design and development of products and solutions for fixed, mobile and cable operators and Communication Service Providers (CSPs).  The company has a successful track record of implementing end-to-end systems globally, and of business growth thru M&A and strategic partnerships. IPgallery’s aim is to launch leading implementations that allow creating new revenue streams, increasing revenues, and lowering TCO.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities


  1. liveable city
  2. social well-being


  1. city platform
  2. Internet of things cloud
  3. apps
  4. high technology
  5. high technology
  6. public safety
  7. emergencies


  1. efficient government
  2. involvement, partnerships collaboration


  1. grid architecture
  2. efficiency
  3. management
  4. ICT
  5. electricity
  6. metering


  1. Intelligent transport systems
  2. mobility on demand
  3. public transportation
  4. service integration


  1. liveable cities
  2. water & waste management
  3. sustainability
Offer & Request

Smarter city software

IPgallery offers Applications, Services and Service Delivery Platformfor Smart Cities to ensure that the cities of the future are places that are safe, efficient and healthy to live and work in.
IPgallery Service Delivery Platform and apps are modules in the company’s vast offering to the current and future challenges in the changing digital world globally. IPgallery is committed to provide cutting-edge solutions helping to overcome the challenges and support the growth of other key elements like Social Media, Internet of Things (IOT) and Business Systems.
IPgallery's offering converges sensors information, city municipality public health, education and other data to empower efficient smarter cities.
I would like to meet city's CIO, System Integrators, and telecom service providers.

Keywords: smart citysecuritygreen environmentTraffictransportationlightingdigital signagecommunicationscloud / edge architecturemain screen controlanalyzing & reporting
Cooperation Offered
  1. Other
  2. License agreement
  3. Technical co-operation
  4. Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Sales / Distribution
  2. License agreement
  3. Technical co-operation
  4. Outsourcing co-operation