
Iain Mansell

Project Officer / BDM
University of Wolverhampton (RGCL)

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
  • Thursday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
DescriptionResearch Group in Computational Linguistics
Organization Type University
Areas of Activities


  1. Citizen services
  2. participation
  3. social innovation
  4. liveable city
  5. empowerment
  6. education
  7. engagement
  8. collaboration
  9. apps for society
  10. aging city
  11. social well-being

Learn about successfully implemented technology

To meet with people who have already successfully implemented smart city technology or won grants in this area. We have specific expertise in NLP advancements for societal inclusion that we have already successfully implemented in previous EC funded projects.

Cooperation Offered
  1. Other
Cooperation Requested
  1. Other

Smart City Project Consortium Partners H2020

RCGL at University of Wolverhampton is looking for project consortium partners to apply for EC H2020 funding. We have specific expertise in NLP advancements for societal inclusion that we have already successfully implemented in previous EC funded projects.

Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation