Jenny Jardine

Study Tour Lead
Contented Limited

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
DescriptionA cross-disciplinary delegation of business managers and researchers from the West Midlands is visiting Barcelona during the international SmartCity Expo to develop new partnerships and projects. They come from the following disciplines: Business Solutions – City Council Economic Development – Information & Language Processing – Sustainable Futures – Digital Campus – Construction & the Built Environment. They are bringing with them a creative team from Contented Ltd to help capture and communicate their insights. Their learning objectives are: 1. How can a smart city be a safe city? What has to occur to ensure responsible development? While a key focus is on cyber-security, the delegation is interested in all aspects of a holistic picture of safety, such as what is takes for children to be able to walk to school. 2. What role can be played by Computational Linguistics [related to Artificial Intelligence] and social inclusion in smart cities? How successfully has language processing been integrated into projects? 3. What lessons can we learn for creating a digital campus with social cohesion, smart transportation and willing participation?
Organization Type Cluster
Areas of Activities


  1. Citizen services
  2. participation
  3. social innovation
  4. equity
  5. liveable city
  6. empowerment
  7. education
  8. engagement
  9. entrepreneurship
  10. regeneration
  11. collaboration
  12. apps for society
  13. aging city
  14. social well-being


  1. Services integration
  2. city platform
  3. sensors
  4. Internet of things cloud
  5. big data
  6. apps
  7. visualization
  8. geo information
  9. networks
  10. data analysis
  11. high technology
  12. high technology
  13. systemic view
  14. standardization
  15. city rooms
  16. security
  17. public safety
  18. emergencies


  1. Urban growth
  2. green building
  3. liveable cities
  4. architecture
  5. water & waste management
  6. product cycle
  7. urban redevelopment
  8. city strategy
  9. city rooms
  10. regeneration
  11. sustainability

Developing Safe Cities

A cross-disciplinary delegation of business managers and researchers from the West Midlands is visiting Barcelona during the international SmartCity Expo to develop new partnerships and projects. They come from the following disciplines: Business Solutions – City Council Economic Development – Information & Language Processing – Sustainable Futures – Digital Campus – Construction & the Built Environment. They are bringing with them a creative team from Contented Ltd to help capture and communicate their insights. Their learning objectives are:

1. How can a smart city be a safe city? What has to occur to ensure responsible development?
While a key focus is on cyber-security, the delegation is interested in all aspects of a holistic picture of safety, such as what is takes for children to be able to walk to school.

2. What role can be played by Computational Linguistics [related to Artificial Intelligence] and social inclusion in smart cities? How successfully has language processing been integrated into projects?

3. What lessons can we learn for creating a digital campus with social cohesion, smart transportation and willing participation?

We are seeking a range of partners, including end-users, for Horizon2020 and other transnational funding proposals.