
Gregory Eve


Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
DescriptiongreenApes is the sustainability social network, rewarding eco-citizens for their environmentally friendly behaviours. It is an international project with dedicated local focus: first pilot cities are Florence (Italy) and Essen (Germany), European Green Capital 2017. We are looking for the next cities to launch in, so reach out if you'd like to engage citizens in sustainable lifestyles.
You can join the greenApes jungle via the iOS, Android or web apps.

Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities


  1. Citizen services
  2. participation
  3. education
  4. engagement
  5. apps for society


  1. Services integration


  1. involvement, partnerships collaboration


  1. Climate change


  1. sustainability

Cities interested in engaging citizens in sustainable lifestyles

greenApes is an award winning gamified social network, which rewards sustainable behaviours of citizens (with real prizes offered by local partners). Our goal is to expand the segments of population engaged in sustainable lifestyles.

First pilot cities are Florence (Italy) and Essen (Germany, European Green Capital 2017). We're selecting the next cities to launch in.

Looking forward to talking to cities administrations, local partners for project implementation (NGOs and other organisations) as well as other apps for integration

Keywords: sustainabilityengagementcitizenslifestyles
Cooperation Offered
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. License agreement
  3. Other
Cooperation Requested
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. Sales / Distribution
  3. Other

Partners for local implementation in cities and EU projects

greenApes is happy to kick off local partnerships to launch the project in new cities. NGOs or organisations working closely with citizens are very welcome partners.

We already won 4 EU calls in the past 2 years and are very strong partners as we are committed to sustainability and our cor business is sustainability engagement

Keywords: sustainabilityengagementapppartners
Cooperation Offered
  1. Other
  2. License agreement
  3. Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Other
  2. Sales / Distribution

A Gamified Social Network for Sustainability Engagement

greenApes is an award winning gamified social network, which rewards sustainable behaviours of citizens (with real prizes offered by local partners). Our goal is to expand the segments of population engaged in sustainable lifestyles.

First pilot cities are Florence (Italy) and Essen (Germany, European Green Capital 2017). We're selecting the next cities to launch in.

Looking forward to talking to cities administrations, local partners for project implementation (NGOs and other organisations) as well as other apps for integration

Keywords: social mediasustainabilityengagementgamificationempowermentlifestyles
Cooperation Offered
  1. Other
  2. License agreement
  3. Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Other
  2. Sales / Distribution
  3. Outsourcing co-operation