Steve Price


Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
DescriptionTenshi works for public sector and corporate clients enabling the early adoption of new technology and digital solutions in a way that reduces risk and delivers innovation. We partner with government agencies, university incubators, accelerators, funding organisations and entrepreneurial networks to enable the digital innovation. Tenshi also works for technology entrepreneurs, helping them with access to finance and support networks. Tenshi started in 2011 with a background in the digital creative industries but now covers technology innovation across a broad range of sectors including public service delivery, health and finance.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities


  1. Citizen services
  2. participation
  3. social innovation
  4. liveable city
  5. empowerment
  6. education
  7. engagement
  8. entrepreneurship
  9. regeneration
  10. collaboration
  11. apps for society
  12. aging city
  13. social well-being


  1. Services integration
  2. city platform
  3. sensors
  4. Internet of things cloud
  5. big data
  6. apps
  7. visualization
  8. geo information
  9. networks
  10. data analysis
  11. high technology
  12. high technology
  13. systemic view
  14. standardization
  15. city rooms
  16. security
  17. public safety
  18. emergencies


  1. PPP
  2. funding
  3. efficient government
  4. economic development
  5. entrepreneurship
  6. involvement, partnerships collaboration
  7. procurement
  8. transparent organizations


  1. Climate change
  2. renewables
  3. business models
  4. zero carbon
  5. efficiency
  6. management
  7. ICT


  1. Intelligent transport systems
  2. mobility on demand
  3. sharing services & infrastructures
  4. pedestrians
  5. urban cycling
  6. public transportation
  7. service integration
  8. community
  9. electric vehicle
  10. alternatives energy sources
  11. parking
  12. car fleets
  13. transport investments (Markets & Projects)


  1. Urban growth
  2. green building
  3. liveable cities
  4. architecture
  5. water & waste management
  6. product cycle
  7. urban redevelopment
  8. city strategy
  9. city rooms
  10. regeneration
  11. sustainability

Collaborative Bid Opportunities

Tenshi are interested in Collaborative Bid Opportunities


Smart city solutions

Tenshi works for public sector and corporate clients enabling the early adoption of new technology and digital solutions in a way that reduces risk and delivers innovation.

Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. Sales / Distribution