Xavier Costa

Transversal Business

Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Wednesday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
  • Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
  • Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
  • Thursday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
DescriptionTransversal Business International -Barcelona, New York and San Diego, is dedicated to provide innovative and sustainable solutions for the public transport, energy management and smart city sectors. 
Our Specialties include the enegineering, development, design, manufacture, planning, implementation and maintenance of advanced information systems, energy managment / automation systems and urban furniture.  
We are always producing, distributing and integrating new technologies to create and integrate information points and systems that allow direct and effective communication between the people and the cities or between people and their homes.  
We are always dealing with innovation in order to manage energy and allow users to live the more complete, intuitive and efficient experiences every minute. 
We produce SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION addressed to people, institutions, companies and the environment, in a universal wide win-win basis: a transversal business.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities


  1. Citizen services
  2. participation
  3. social innovation
  4. equity
  5. liveable city
  6. empowerment
  7. education
  8. engagement
  9. entrepreneurship
  10. regeneration
  11. collaboration
  12. apps for society
  13. aging city
  14. social well-being


  1. Intelligent transport systems
  2. mobility on demand
  3. public transportation
  4. alternatives energy sources
  5. transport investments (Markets & Projects)


  1. Urban growth
  2. green building
  3. liveable cities
  4. architecture
  5. urban redevelopment
  6. city strategy
  7. regeneration
  8. sustainability
Offer & Request


A 100% sustainable energy management system for dwellings, both homes and industrial. It combines a customized engineering plan with electronics/hardware and automation systems to allow an intutitive and tailor made interface and a seamless sustainable energy management in remote -IOs or Android, from any spot of the world. With the partnership of Circutor and Dassa Tecnologias.

Keywords: sustainable energyIOSAdnroidenergy management systemautomation systemdomoticsintuitive interfaceenvironmental friendly100% sustainableservice integrationhardwaresoftwareelectronicsrenewab
Cooperation Offered
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. Technical co-operation
  3. License agreement
  4. Manufacturing agreement
Cooperation Requested
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. Technical co-operation
  3. Sales / Distribution
  4. Investment/Financing
Offer & Request

New Solar kiosks generation

Design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of a new generation of solar kiosks providing real bus, subway and train arrival times, incidences and advertising. These solar information systems can be combined with the newest Information and Communication technologie sin order to boost sustainability in the cities and achieve higher levels of perception of quality of the public transport.

Solar kiosks in Barcelona's metropolitan area
300+ solar powered kiosks displaying bus arrival information and incidences in real time to the users.
Currently more than 100 new kiosks being installed throughout the geographical region

Solar kiosks in New York City
TBI has successfully installed and maintained several solar kiosks pilots at MNR Woodlawn station and is now designing two new pilots with bus holding light features for the MTA NYTransit.

Solar Powered Kiosks
Environmentally conscious transport information solution

Keywords: solar kioskssolar information systempublic transportreal arrival timesbussubwaytrainincidencesdigital advertisinglogisticssolar panel3G4GWIFIseamlessGPRStracking systemSAEoff the gri
Cooperation Offered
  1. Sales / Distribution
  2. Manufacturing agreement
  3. License agreement
  4. Technical co-operation
  5. Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Investment/Financing
  2. Sales / Distribution
  3. Technical co-operation
  4. Outsourcing co-operation
Offer & Request

Cities that Listen

IBeacons & Eddystones plus Apps ecosystem based system to provide interactive communication with public transport users. Our system "Cities that Listen" integrates three main components: solar bus stops (i.e. solar kiosks as the ones we have succesfully tested in NYC), information and communication technology (Ibeacons, Apps Ecosystem) and advertisement. Communications technology
-IBeacons in combination with the Apps Ecosystem, are incorporated to the kiosks or another urban elements providing not only arrival times or incidences but a whole new universe of services in a new paradigm of public transport.

Users become clients, citizens, individual actors starting a dialogue with the city.

This system also allows important gains in urban sustainability, specially thorugh the promotion of public transport and local businessess.

We have the support of:


Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on driving innovation in climate change. One of 3 Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) created by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), to boost sustainable growth

Integrates education, entrepreneurship and innovation resulting in connected, creative transformation of knowledge and ideas into economically viable products or services

LISITT University from Valencia Scientific Parc

Specialised in the study and development of traffic systems (ITS), on technologic, organisational and strategic aspects. Integrated in Climate-KIC´s European network.

Mott MacDonald Birmingham, co-developer of the Cities that Listen KPI's and other sides of the system together with Tramsversal Business International.

Benefits of the Cities that Listen:

- Better and customized logistics
- Inclusiveness in the public transport (disabled people elderly, etc)
- Promotion of local commerce
- New business models (e-catalogue proximity marketing, e-payment, social media marketing)
- New advertising media, helping to self sustain the system financially
- Continuous monitoring of the users flow in order to improve logistics on a 24/7 basis
- E-democracy and complains management
- Improved perception of the quality of public transport

KSUSi – Key Sustainability Indicator. Combines:
KOi – Key Operational Indicator
KNi – Key Environmental indicator
KEi – Key Economic indicator
KSi – Key Social Indicator

Keywords: public transportInternet of ThingsIBeaconsSmart PhonesInteractive communicationlogisticssustainable mobilityICTITlocal commerceproximity marketingenvironmental friendlyCO2 emissions saving
Cooperation Offered
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. Technical co-operation
  3. License agreement
  4. Manufacturing agreement
  5. Sales / Distribution
Cooperation Requested
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. Technical co-operation
  3. Sales / Distribution
  4. Investment/Financing