Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Wednesday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
- Wednesday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
- Wednesday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
- Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)

- education
- engagement
- entrepreneurship
- sensors
- Internet of things cloud
- big data
- geo information
- networks
- data analysis
- high technology
- security
- public safety
- emergencies
- Climate change
- renewables
- storage
- zero carbon
- efficiency
- management
- retrofitting
- metering
- Intelligent transport systems
- mobility on demand
- public transportation
- electric vehicle
- alternatives energy sources
- transport investments (Markets & Projects)
- logistics of Rail Freight
- green building
- water & waste management

We help companies access international markets and funding through EU innovation funding schemes
We are experts in managing winning proposals for European innovation funding schemes. The latest schemes are built with International commercial and market needs in mind and are focusing on product and/or service delivery.
There are many types of schemes with differing technical and administrative requirements, but we are ideally placed to guide you through the process. We have:
• EC approved Project evaluators
• Multiple years of direct experience from inside of European funding frameworks and Projects
• Staff with experience in both SME and large ICT commercial organisations accross Europe - we understand and can write the correct content for the new ‘close-to-market’ need of the latest calls
• An EU wide database of contacts for bringing the correct partners together and for providing you with the correct International commercial channels
• A proven track record of delivering proposals that have generated commercial products and won millions of Euros in funding
We can provide:
o Matching of an organisation's innovation and/or Internationalisation needs to the correct funding scheme
o Management and writing of high quality proposals for European Calls
o Commercialisation advice, development and mangement
o Administrative Management of ongoing Projects
o Technical development with our in-house specialisations of Smart City, Smart Gird, Energy efficient Buildings, Telecare and eHealth.
We not only provide advice to companies, but also to research centres and Universities as we are uniquely positioned to answer the new ‘close-to-market’ questions asked by today´s calls such as H2020, Eureka/Eurostars, ECSEL, etc.
Please contact us - we should be your first port of call in finding funding for your Innovation and International expansion plans.
- Investment/Financing
- Other