Jong Man(John) Kwon
Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Wednesday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
- Wednesday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
- Wednesday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
- Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
- Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
- Thursday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
- social well-being
- Services integration
- city platform
- sensors
- networks
- security
- public safety
- emergencies
- metering
- logistics of Rail Freight
LPWA(Lower Power Wide Area) : Finding partners(Business and collaboration) in Europe.
This solution is optimized for IoT service with its minimal power usage and coverage up to 3km without the need of separate base station or other relay equipment. Through the use of ISM bandwidth with LoRa Chip, this solution can drastically reduce the cost and complexity of the various services. LPWA is applicable to Automatic Meter reading(AMR), Asset management, Street light control, public panic button, LBS(Pet Tracker), environment monitoring etc.
UWB RTLS(Real Time Location System) Security : Finding partners(Business and collaboration) in Europ
We’ll provide hardware and software(Middle ware), partners can develop applications on top of our solutions.
RTLS is high-technology service of Local Positioning based on UWB(Ultra Wide Band) technology for finding the moving objects in limited range or the location of objects in the open area.
UWB(Ultra Wide Band) high accuracy location system overcomes the limitation of location accuracy of Cell based, WiFi, Blue Tooth, Zigbee, etc(Average Location accuracy is within 30 Cm)technology. RTLS is high-technology service of Local Positioning based on UWB(Ultra Wide Band) technology for finding the moving objects in indoor or the location of objects in the open area. UWB(Ultra Wide Band) high accuracy location system overcomes the limitation of location accuracy of Cell based, WiFi, Blue Tooth, Zigbee, etc(Average Location accuracy is less than 30 Cm)technology. RTLS is applicable to Logistics, security/safety, Healthcare, sports, Robot etc.