Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)

Descriptioni2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation centre which promotes mission-oriented R+D+i activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications and services. The centre stands up for a new open innovation framework, fostering the collaboration between companies, public administration, the academic environment and end-users.
i2CAT has a wide experience in multiple national and European R+D+i projects, leading research lines in new fixed & mobile network architectures, wireless sensor networks, and content-based multimedia technologies, with the aim to develop new products, services and applications in the fields of eHealth, Smart Cities & Smart Regions, Advanced Manufacturing and Culture/Creativity.
Organization Type
Research Center
Areas of Activities
- Citizen services
- participation
- social innovation
- equity
- liveable city
- empowerment
- education
- engagement
- entrepreneurship
- regeneration
- collaboration
- apps for society
- aging city
- social well-being
- Services integration
- city platform
- sensors
- Internet of things cloud
- big data
- apps
- visualization
- geo information
- networks
- data analysis
- high technology
- high technology
- systemic view
- standardization
- city rooms
- security
- public safety
- emergencies
- Climate change
- renewables
- business models
- efficiency
- management
- metering
- Intelligent transport systems
- mobility on demand
- sharing services & infrastructures
- urban cycling
- public transportation
- service integration
- electric vehicle
- alternatives energy sources
- parking
- car fleets
- transport investments (Markets & Projects)
- logistics of Rail Freight
- Urban growth
- green building
- liveable cities
- water & waste management
- urban redevelopment
- city strategy
- city rooms
- regeneration
- sustainability
Are you looking for a partner in Technological innovation in internet solutions and services?
We are looking for companies willing to innovate, to help them with our knowledge and expertise in innovative solutions and services over internet
i2CAT has a wide experience in multiple national and European R+D+i projects, leading research lines in new fixed & mobile network architectures, wireless sensor networks, and content-based multimedia technologies, with the aim to develop new products, services and applications in the fields of eHealth, Smart Cities & Smart Regions, Advanced Manufacturing and Culture/Creativity.
Cooperation Offered
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation