
Diego Guri

Amec Urbis

Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Thursday (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
  • Thursday (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
Descriptionamec urbis is a cluster association of Spanish companies of sustainable solutions for smart cities with supplementary urban technologies across the value chain. It offers a comprehensive supply of solutions to cities throughout the world. amec urbis incorporates dynamic, innovative companies, with a clear international vocation. They are the main Spanish exporters of urban technology in:
  • Sustainable mobility: road safety, signage, traffic control and planning, control of accesses, car parks and infrastructures for electrical vehicles
  • Environment: equipment to collect and process waste, water treatment, air control and treatment, noise pollution
  • Urban landscape: urban equipment and furniture, green spaces, children's playgrounds, equipment management systems.
amec urbis boosts internationalization of companies, generates networking, fosters innovation and provides training to companies. It is recognized as the sector reference association by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and it acts as a partner institution managing the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute’s Export Promotion Plan for the sector.
Organization Type Cluster
Areas of Activities


  1. Services integration
  2. city platform
  3. sensors
  4. Internet of things cloud
  5. city rooms
  6. emergencies


  1. grid architecture
  2. storage
  3. efficiency
  4. electricity
  5. metering


  1. Intelligent transport systems
  2. mobility on demand
  3. pedestrians
  4. urban cycling
  5. public transportation
  6. service integration
  7. electric vehicle
  8. alternatives energy sources
  9. parking


  1. Urban growth
  2. green building
  3. liveable cities
  4. architecture
  5. water & waste management
  6. urban redevelopment

Spanish Urban Technologies

Sustainable mobility: road safety, signage, traffic control and planning, control of accesses, car parks and infrastructures for electrical vehicles;

Environment: equipment to collect and process waste, water treatment, air control and treatment, noise pollution;

Urban landscape: urban equipment and furniture, green spaces, children's playgrounds, equipment management systems.

Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. License agreement
  3. Sales / Distribution