
Peter Stollenmayer

Celtic Office Strategic Direct

Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
DescriptionThe Celtic Office is responsible for day-to-day management of the EUREKA Celtic Plus Cluster programme. It controls the calls for project proposals, the labelling and the start of projects, as well as the project reviews. It also provides any support needed to projects, proposers and interested communities, and organises regular Celtic-Plus events and information days for proposers.
Organization Type Cluster
Areas of Activities


  1. Citizen services
  2. participation
  3. liveable city
  4. empowerment
  5. collaboration
  6. aging city
  7. social well-being


  1. Services integration
  2. city platform
  3. sensors
  4. Internet of things cloud
  5. big data
  6. networks
  7. data analysis
  8. standardization
  9. security
  10. public safety
  11. emergencies


  1. funding
  2. efficient government
  3. involvement, partnerships collaboration


  1. Climate change
  2. ICT
  3. electricity
  4. metering


  1. mobility on demand
  2. sharing services & infrastructures
  3. service integration

Collaborative ICT Public Private Partnership Projects

Celtic-Plus is the EUREKA Cluster for collaborative Public Private Partnership ICT Projects. We are managing the programme, calls and projects

Cooperation Requested
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. Other