Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday (10:00am - 12:00pm)
- Thursday (12:00pm - 2:00pm)

Obtained international recognition:
- Received a grant from European Commission's H2020-SME Programme
- Finalist at UITP World Awards 2015 (sort of 'Oscars' of public transport)
- apps for society
- sensors
- data analysis
- high technology
- security
- public safety
- Intelligent transport systems
- public transportation

Distribution in Western European countries
Application for fraud detection and alert in metro accesses is looking for distributors to extend its sales across Western Europe (FRA, UK, BE, IT).
The application is fully approved by the first customer in Barcelona and it is currently under its international commercialization phase.
See more details in http://www.awaait.com/appdetector
- Sales / Distribution

Financing to accelerate international growth
We have successfully developed an application that detects and sends real time tailgating alerts at metro accesses (fraud detection and eradication). We are in the early commercialization phase.
In order to increase our financial capability for extending additional pilots in European Countries initially (FRA, UK, BE, IT), we are evaluating the possibility of incorporating external funding.
See more details on http://www.awaait.com/appdetector
- Investment/Financing